essential oils

Essential Oil Profiles

It’s always important to know how to use essential oils safely and effectively. Listed below are my top essential oil profiles that I use often for different purposes and spiritual support. These profiles will include:

  • background information
  • the botanical name of oil
  • species
  • spiritual connection
  • emotional/energetic benefits
  • anointing points
  • therapeutic benefits
  • ways to use
  • biblical references (when available)
  • research references (when available)

What are essential oils?

Essential oil is usually a liquid that has been derived from a plant and distilled. This distilling process usually involves water from a stream or slow-moving river combined with the leaves, flowers, stems, bark, and other parts of the plant that is used for making the oil. Essential oils are
believed to contain the true essence of the plant or tree from which they were obtained. Due to the high concentration that the essential oils maintain, they are often sold in very small bottles that can last a long time.

Essential oils, while they do represent scents, are not the same or even similar to fragrances or perfumes. Essential oils are always derived from real plants, while most of the perfume or fragrance oils are artificially created or at the very least contain artificial substances and often offer little or no therapeutic value.

Terms and meanings

Here are a few terms you will come across in the essential oil profiles. I find it helpful to know what a term means so I can make an informed decision when selecting essential oils.

  • Anoint – to apply a sacred oil to a specific part of the body.
  • Contraindication – safety warning or, “Do Not Use,” due to a specific illness, condition, or other safety issues.
  • Dilute – adding a seed oil to essential oil to make it safe when applying to skin
  • Distillation – the method used to extract the essential oil from its source.
  • Neat – use of undiluted essential oils directly on the skin.
  • Notes – a classification system that indications the rate of essential oil aroma evaporation. Typically top, middle and base notes.
  • Phototoxic – oil that may cause damage to the skin by the sun’s UV rays.

Suggested reads:

Essential oil profiles

  • Juniper
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Mandarin
  • Myrrh
  • Orange
  • Patchouli
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Tea Tree


The essential oil information provided on the website is for educational purposes only. Safety and research information is provided when available.